A digipack is a cover used to contain a CD album of an artist. This helps to keep the contents safe, as well as convey the artist or band in a way that fits in with their chosen genre, while trying to make them stand out amongst other musicians through eye catching visual codes, like contrasting colours and iconic fonts.
This is a piece of poster advertisement, which you would normally find in a music magazine, with a lot of mainstream artists, such as Jessie J, utilising this type of media text to help publicise themselves. By apply this advert to a music magazine they are appealing to their target audience of music enthusiasts. If this was to be in a film magazine, less people would pay attention to this advert because it's not designed with them in mind.
To summarise, a digipack is the product that the magazine advertisement is promoting, with both helping to make the artist or band more well known in the music industry.
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