This is a CD case (digipack) of an ACDC album. The genre of the album is apparent through the use of colour, with the combination of red and black having quite negative and sinister connotations, such as blood and death. In correlation, the font is very big and aggressive, which is clear in the spikes on each of the letters. These visual codes suggests that the band is some part of some form of rock or heavy metal. On the back all the song names are listed to inform the consumer of what this product contains, as well as a billing block at the bottom to give credit to all who were involved in the production of the music. What's interesting about the digipack's design is that the inside contains a light blue colour which is very contrasting from the colours used on the outside, with the accompanying connotations being equally positive in comparison, having links to water and sky. This contrast implies that the songs within the pack are more diverse than the outside design leads consumers to believe, or at the very least makes the red and black stand out more as dominant colours and exaggerates the darkness within the music.

In comparison, this digipack of a Rihanna album appeals to a different target audience as a result of it's genre being pop instead of heavy metal. Pink appears to be a dominant colour in this pack, whether it's the colour of the flower on the right or even the pink filter that's been used to convey the artist. This highlights her femininity, while the picture in the middle relates to Laura Mulvey's male gaze theory by showing the consumer what the males are most likely to look at in regards to this artist's physique. The direct mode of address makes the album feel more intimate for the consumer, as it appears that the artist is looking right at them in a flirtatious manner. What's intriguing is that although both digipacks use the colour red, both have different connotations because they use it in a different context, which is a good example of each genre having their own stereotypical conventions. The fact that the Rihanna pictures also have a softer focus means that consumers instinctively make a connection between the soft lens conveying the artist as less threatening and the red having connections to romance and love. By contrast, the ACDC red is used in a sharper way, by being used with the black, as well as being a stronger shade.
I have looked at these 2 digipacks because we have to make our own to go along with our music video and so this task has helped me to analyse any trends that are apparent within a wide range of albums, such as dominant colours and how genders are represented through visual aids.
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