The beach setting incorporates verisimilitude by being a place that many people are familiar with, with it also connoting the summer time and, for the teen age group, freedom. The group also has a good variety of costumes, with some being very vibrant while other use more simplistic colours, such as the female wearing white when she's in the water to connote purity. This links to Goodwin's theory of the visuals having a link to the music, with each different costume indicating a different emotional change within the characters.

The only sound effect, other than the song itself, is the crashing of waves that is used alongside the opening shot of the song title 'Rivers.' This not only relates to the song, but also establishes a peaceful and contemplating tone that can be seen within the videos narrative.
In terms of framing, the cinematography is very good. They used a contrast of a steady camera against a handheld camera to help create a sense of variety and make the video appear less repetitive. The student also use different angles to portray the female character as vulnerable and insignificant, which was helpful at conveying her character considering she has no dialogue, aiding our understanding, and therefore helping the audience to empathise for her.

They seemed to use the fade transition many times throughout which is unusual considering it usually indicates that a lot of time has past since the last shot, suggesting that this entire videos spans over months if not years and yet the characters look exactly the same age throughout. Despite this, the cuts were in time with the beat and two particular midshots that tracks around the two character and alternate with one another in time with the lyrics was very well done.

This is a narrative music video, centred around the relationship between two teenagers. Because of non-chronological order, I didn't find it very clear why the female character tried to kill herself. This has reminded me to keep our story simple and make sure it's conveyed to the audience in a way that makes sense.

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